Art Teacher of the Year

Doua Vue Named Wisconsin Art Education Association Art Teacher of the Year

staff photo

The Wisconsin Art Education Association (WAEA) announced Doua Vue, art teacher at DeForest Area High School, as the recipient of the prestigious Art Teacher of the Year award. This accolade, celebrated by WAEA Past President and Awards Chair Leah Keller, highlights Vue’s exceptional talent, creativity, and significant impact on his students’ artistic development.

This recent announcement outlined Vue’s dedication to art education as evidenced by his relentless commitment to WAEA’s mission of fostering a professional community passionate about creativity, innovation, advocacy, and excellence. His contributions extend beyond the classroom, where he has been instrumental in planning and programming that promote holistic growth—creative, intellectual, and emotional—for both students and fellow educators.

Vue’s leadership and willingness to share his expertise with art teachers across Wisconsin underscore his influence and dedication. As Keller remarked, “This honor is a testament to his exceptional talent, creativity, and profound impact on the artistic development of his students.”

The award will be formally presented at the annual fall conference on Thursday, October 24, in Black River Falls. Congratulations, Mr. Vue!


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